[정리] 구문.. 문구

Personality- have a good sense of humor- have a positive attitude- hard working - talkative- reserved- strict : 엄격한- hot-tempered- outgoing- open-minded- understanding : 이해심이 많은.- generous : 베푸는 사람- shy- friendly- kind- people oriented (= people person)- active- indecise ( 가벼운, 자주 바뀌는)- obstinate ( 고집이 센)- conservative (보수적인)- open mind (개방적인)- westernized ( 서구화된)- picky (까다롭다)- sneaky( 교활하다)- A..

OPIC 2013.10.01

60. One of your friends has gained a lot of weight recently. She wants to lose it.

60. I'd like to give you a situation for you to act out. One of your friends has gained a lot of weight recently. She wants to lose it. Give her some suggestions so that she can solve her problem. I heard that you have gained some weight recently. So you're trying to lose weight, right? Well, I had the same experience. Last Christmas, I gained five kilograms. After trying to lose my weight, I fi..

OPIC 2013.09.29