Q32. You indicated in the survey that you work. Tell me about typical work day.
Okay. Let me tell you about my typical work day.
I'm sure my daily routine is very similar to hundreds of others.
I usually get up around 5:00, grab a cup of milk and take a shower. Because I feel it make me more energetic. After shower, I continue on to the office. I got to work around 7:30 and punch in. The first thing I do at work in the morning is turn on my computer and check my email. And then I have meeting at 9:00 with a cup of coffee. After meeting tons of paperwork until lunch break. After lunch I have to drink another cup of coffee to stay awake. As you know, I work in development part, I have a routine job. I continue on to the office, where I spend most of the day and head around 9 pm. After that , I help my wife with house chores and talk with my wife or read a book to my son before I go to bed around 12 o'clock. That's it, Thank you!