- have a good sense of humor
- have a positive attitude
- hard working
- talkative
- reserved
- strict : 엄격한
- hot-tempered
- outgoing
- open-minded
- understanding : 이해심이 많은.
- generous : 베푸는 사람
- shy
- friendly
- kind
- people oriented (= people person)
- active
- indecise ( 가벼운, 자주 바뀌는)
- obstinate ( 고집이 센)
- conservative (보수적인)
- open mind (개방적인)
- westernized ( 서구화된)
- picky (까다롭다)
- sneaky( 교활하다)
- Attractiveness (매력적인)
- conservative (= 보수적인)
my mother is very picky about money
my girlfriend is very picky about styling
my daughter is sneaky for her age
I like to get along with new people.
I'm very sociable
~에 관심이 있다.
I'm really interested in ~~ ing
I'm really interested in playing musical instruments.
I'm deeply into ~ ing
I'm deeply into playing musical instruments.
be into ~에 푹빠져 있다.
I consider myself to be someone who (has ~)
I consider myself to be someone who has good communication and interpersonal skills.
I dedicated to my work. ( 일에 종속되어 있다.)
잠에서 깨어남 : get up
잠자리에서 일어남 : wake up
집으로 출발 : head home
집에 도착 : get home
당분간은 : anytime soon.
나는 이직업에 잘 맞는다.
I think I'm definitely suitable for this job.
통금시간을 정하다. : set my curfew
더 나쁜것은 : even worse
대개는 : most of the time
진공청소기로 청소하다 : vaccum
~에 들르다 : grop by
I'll drop by home directly form the airport
정시에 시간 맞추어 가다
I can make it on time
~ 하곤했다 : used to~
내기억에 따르면 : as I remember
When I was young, I used to ~~ 내가 어렸을때 ~ 하곤 했다.
알고보니, ~ 로 밝혀지다
- it turns out S + V
공통점이 많다.
- have a lot in common
It turns out we had a lot in common. We instantly boned.(우리는 본능적으로 마음이 통했다)
~ 하는 유일한 이유이다. 왜냐하면 ~~
The only reason I live here is because it's quite close to my work place.
~의 담당이다. : be in charge of ~
~ 때문에 녹초가 되가 : get stressed out from ~
퇴근하다 : leave for home
일이 어떻게 돌아가고 있는지 : how things were going around
he familiar with how things were going around in the company
1. 현재 : 현재의 습관이나 가정, 직장에서의 일상 표현, 규칙적인 반복, 빈도부사와 같이 사용 - 빈도 부사 : always, usually, often, sometimes, rearely, hardly, seldom 2. 현재진행형 : 진행중인 프로젝트나 갈등하고 있는 문제 이야기 - be + ~ ing 3. 과거 : 과거에 있었던일 과거시제 부사와 사용 - was/were, 과거동사, - 과거 부사 : yesterday, five months ago, last year 4. 현재완료 : 완료된 행동이나 경험을 이야기, 과거로 부터 이어온 행동. - have + p.p. - 과거에 시작해서 현재까지 계속되고 있는 일을 말할때 - already, for ~ years, since, ever, never, yet 5. 미래 : will, be going to 앞으로의 계획 등에 사용 - will, be going to - 부사 : this Saturday, next year, two years later |
- 설립되다 : be founded
- 마감 기한을 맞추가 : meet the deadline.
- 사망한 : deceased
- 정시에 떠나다 : leave on time
- 필요하면 : If needed
- 제사 : a memorial service
- 넘겨주다 : hand ~ over
I handed it over to Brain to finish it.
- 잠시 시간 있으세요?
Do you have a minute ?
- ~에 대해서 잘 알고 있다.
* I know ~
* I understand ~
* I'm aware that ~
- 특별히 : especially
- 해외로 여행가다 : travel abroad
- 현지 별미 : local delicacy
- ~로 유명하다 : be famous for ~
- 산들바람 : breeze
- 이국적인 : exotic (ɪg|zɑ:tɪk 이그자릭)
- 풍경 : scenery
- 그 끝까지 : all the way up
it's famous for nice breezes, warm weather, and incredible exotic scenery.
When I was up there, I felt like I owned the world.
여행의 설명 순서
1) 여행의 종류 : Type of travel overseas trip, domestic trip, abroad, package, group tour, honeymoon 2) 여행 지역 location 3) 일정 : Itinerary shopping, local delicacy, bus tour around city, drop by duty-free shops 4) 특이사항 : highlight double-decker tour bus, terrible traffic jam... 5) 내 느낌 : My Impression beautiful place, nice, terrible, |
~ 하느라 바쁘다 : be busy ~ ing
- 내가 A에서 가장 좋아했던 점은 : what I really liked about was~~
What I really like about is ~
- 내가 가장 싫어했던 점은 : What I really hated about was ~~
What I really hate about is ~
A에게 B를 상기시키다. : remind A of B
[ Word Order ]
- Do you~ ? Do you enjoy traveling? Do you know anyone from Korea? - Did you? Did you like the place? How long did you stay there? - Have you? Have you been to Europe? How log have you known him? - Will you? Will you go to the travel agency with me? - Are you going to ? Are you going to go to the Museum? - Can you~? Can you spell it out for me? Why can't you go there with me? - Would you ~ ? Would you do me a favor? What would you buy for your mother? |
- 과거의 어느날 : oneday
- 미래의 어느날 : someday
- 알지 모르겠지만 : as you know
as you may know
- 관광 명소 : tourist attraction
- 여행계획을 세우다 : make itinerary
- 일정이 다가오다 : be coming up.
- A에게 B를 추천하다 : recommend A for B
- 뭐그런거 : something like that
- 다행이군요 : good to know
- ~와 상의하다 : check with ~
- 다시연락하다 : get back to ~
- 할인 받다 : get a discount
- 환불 받다: get a refund
Is there any way to get a discount?
- ~ 때문에 전화했습니다. : I'm calling to (about) ~~
[ Hotel에 관한 질문 ]
Tell me about the hotel in your country
- What do they looks like?
- Where is the most popular hotels?
- Why are they popular?
please describe the reservation process to get a room in a hotel.
from calling the desk to check the bill.
~의 앞에는 : in front of ~
- 무엇보다도 : most of all
- 우연히 : accidentally
- 뒤로 넘어지다 : fall backwards.
-~ 와 부딪히다, ~와 마주치다 : bump into
- 당황하다 : embarrass
- ~할때마다 : whenever