54. tell me about your favorite website.

아르비스 2013. 9. 28. 22:11

54. You indicated in the survey that you surf the Internet. Tell me about your favorite website. please describe it in detail.

My favorite website is Naver. it's one of the most widely-used search engines in Korea. In particular, what I like the most is the "Ask the Exports" function. Whenever I want to know about something, I can find the answers there. Anybody who knows the answers can post them and countless communities and blogs are liked to it. it's especially useful for learning English. i can easily find information about grammar, definitions, usages - your name it. I also have an email account on Naver.

거의 ~~ 하지 않다 : barely (= hardly, rarely )

~에 익숙해지다 : ~get familiar with

속도를 따라잡다 : catch up with the pace

~ 하는데 시간이 걸리다 : it took me a while to~

~을 발견하고 놀라다 : be amazed to find~ (=shock to, amazing to )

회화에 감정표현시 많이 쓰는 표현

I was amazed to find so much information regarding cooking

(sad, happy, excited, amazed, shocked)  다음에 오는 to 부정사는 감정의 원인을 설명하는 부사 역할을 함.