50. What kind of food do you like the best? Why is it your favorite food?

아르비스 2013. 9. 27. 13:34

50. You indicated in the survey that you like to dine out. What kind of food do you like the best? Why is it your favorite food? Explain in detail.

I often eat out. I am busy and I can't cook well. For these reasons, I frequently eat fast food and hamburgers naturally became my favorite food. I usually go to a McDonald's Burger King, or Lotteria, near my home or office. Among these, a McDonald's Big Mac is my favorite food. First of all, it has thick and juicy meat. The taste is really great. Also, I love to eat fresh vegetables like onions, tomatoes, and lettuce. I commonly order french fries and a coke as well. it is really good to have these all together. I am always satisfied. Hamburgers are delicious and make a perfect meal. That's why I love the Big Mac all the time.

내가 거기 가는 것을 좋아하는  이유는 : The reason I like to go there is because ~~ 

내가 자주 먹는 메뉴는 : The menu item I most often eat there is ~~

훌륭한 : outstanding

외식하다 : eat out(= dine out)

이런 이유로 : for these reasons

자주 : frequently

두꺼운 : thick

즙이 많은 : juicy

만족하다 : by satisfied.

맛있는 : delicious

그것은 내가 ~을 좋아하는 이유이다 : That's why I love ~~