59. you enjoy jogging. why do you like it? How often do you jog?
2013. 9. 29. 06:44
59. You indicated in the survey that you enjoy jogging. Why do you like it? How often do you jog?
My favorite exercise is jogging. jogging is a great way to keep in shape. I'm stuck in the office all long in front of the computer monitor. So to get myself away from it. I thought I should start moving.
What I like about jogging is that it doesn't require any special equipment. You just get up early in the morning and run. That's it. And while you run the morning, you can get some fresh morning air, which wakes you up gets your body ready for the day.
I try to jog every day, but I can't. I mean, sometimes I have to get to work early for a meeting. I think I usually jog three or four times a week, It's a great way to start my morning.